
The enviable thing about being a little person, is surely the genuine number of people in your life. Your parents, brother or sister, grandma, your teacher and the tooth's nice and simple.

As we get older and become involved in wider groups, things start to get complicated. Responsibilities and expectation are put on us. Extreme success stories are posted daily and the standards we measure ourselves against become more and more unrealistic.  Sadly, our young people have become more concerned with the lives of people they'll never meet, than knowing the neighbour who lives next door.

"The humble grandmother living next to us holds more wisdom than the bestselling author; the father who volunteers to coach your son’s baseball team knows more about servant leadership than the most renowned CEO; and the single mother down the street could teach us more about sacrifice than even the most-championed character on television." - Josh Becker - Becoming Minimalist

Winning isn't necessarily about scores; and doing something for others doesn't need an audience or a hundred likes on Facebook to make it worth doing. If someone immediate in your life feels cared for and valued by you, we think think that matters a million times more.

Give from your heart.

Best wishes

The Team

@Gift Saint xx


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